By Staff Writer - August 19, 2024

Ioulieta Nravela’s journey with UCSB Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) is a testament to the transformative power of education when combined with the right support system. When asked about her experience at PaCE, Ioulieta didn't hesitate to express her enthusiasm: "My experience was excellent," she shared. But what makes her story compelling is the depth of that excellence—how it extended beyond the classroom and into her future career.

For Ioulieta, the PaCE experience was more than just attending classes; it was about being part of a community where customer service, classmates, and teachers all played a significant role in her growth. "PaCE has helped me a lot by giving me valuable resources and support that made my learning experience better in the classroom," she explained. The resources provided by PaCE weren't just academic; they were tools that empowered her to take charge of her learning, ensuring she could make the most of every opportunity.

But the impact of PaCE didn't stop at the classroom door. Ioulieta's time with PaCE helped her gain confidence and develop the skills necessary to pursue her goals outside of academia. "It also gave me the confidence and skills to work toward my goals outside the classroom, helping me prepare for success in the future," she noted. This newfound confidence was crucial in her journey, equipping her with the mindset to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in her career.

As she reflects on her time with PaCE, Ioulieta expresses deep gratitude for the support she received. "I am incredibly grateful for all the support and opportunities I've received," she says. This gratitude stems from the realization that her experience at PaCE has been a pivotal part of her personal and professional growth. "It has truly made a difference in my journey, and I appreciate everything that has helped me grow and succeed," she adds, emphasizing the lasting impact PaCE has had on her life.

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