In collaboration with the University of California Office of the President, and supported by a grant from the State of California, UCSB Professional and Continuing Education (UCSB PaCE) has launched GROW, a degree completion and professional development assistance initiative. GROW is exclusively for North County Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern County residents.
The goal of GROW is to improve access to the university, easing the transition to UC-degree programs with regional satellite course options. The primary target audience is transfer-eligible students from local community colleges, and/or people with some prior college experience, who are interested in re-engaging with the university.
In close partnership with local government, the business community, and other regional institutions, GROW also aims to expand professional education, targeting the specific needs of the North County Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern County
Regions and residents, in areas such as Business Management, Information Technology, Healthcare, and more.
You can GROW with us in any (or all!) of three ways:
- Access to a wealth of professional courses at a discounted price
- Access to UCSB courses through our Open University Program at a discounted price
- Access to career counseling and advising at no cost
And, you can GROW with us without having to drive all the way to Santa Barbara! Almost every course or program that is available on campus can also be completed online. You choose the option that works best for you to finish your degree, or get your professional training.
Take advantage of this very special opportunity today, and don’t miss your chance to GROW with us. We look forward to welcoming you as our student: apply now!
Denis Couturier
Professional and Continuing Education
University of California, Santa Barbara