The Impact of Microcredentials

According to a recent article “Shifting Paradigms: Understanding Institutional Perspectives on Microcredentialing”, the role of microcredentials seems to be paramount in the Current State of Higher Education.
The transition to a new economy in the global market is happening very quickly and this created a serious challenge for institutions that struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of modern demand.
While many institutions are aware of the need for this change, few are acting with the proper urgency, and even fewer have created the protocols and procedures required for the creation of microcredentials.
Regardless of size or type of institutions, new credentials are becoming more prevalent in higher education, here some results of the statistics:
- 59% of respondents from private and public institutions were extremely involved in developing new credentials; also respondents from small institutions were most likely to be extremely involved (40%)
- Over 50% of respondents felt their institution has embraced credentialing initiatives
But why is it so relevant to embrace credentialing initiatives and why is it important to be extremely involved in their development?
Click here to find the full article.