Safin Last Entry

Safin's Last Entry
Safin's Social Media:

I had one of the best times of my life in Santa Barbara and other places in California. Some the best moments I had weren’t planned, but they happened anyway. I am sure people read a lot before and try to find out about what they can do in Santa Barbara/California. But one week after arriving they will feel much more than what they read about it and they will learn, that reading about something is not the same as feeling about it.
My secret key recommendation to every future Gaucho: Let California happen to you!
Rent a car with some friends, grab some food and discover the West Coast. Enjoy the planned BUT ALSO the unplanned moments. Visit the big cities BUT also give the small and unknown cities a chance to impress you! Believe me, they can do it! Enjoy your time, and enjoy the life! That's how you become a Gaucho!“